Monday, January 11, 2010

Love #3 already

Welcome to my blog! I am such a newbie at this, but thought I'd give it a try. With baby #1 we took monthly belly pics and I kept a journal. Baby #2...I THINK I kept a journal??? So here we are with baby #3 due in May, and I haven't taken 1 pic or written anything down. That is not to say this baby will be loved any less than his/her siblings, we're just so busy with the other 2. So baby, I just want you to know that we love you and can't wait to meet you. Not finding out the gender is making this so much more exciting. We don't have any names picked out yet, but will start writing some down soon. I am 22wks pregnant, but look 7mos LOL! Been feeling some strong kicks finally and think the kids will notice them soon. After a scare right off the bat with "spotting" at 6wks, I've been trying to not to worry. Easier said then done...The OB noticed my cervix is a bit short. They like to see it at 3.5cm, mine was at 2.7cm. A f/u u/s saw it increase to 2.7cm - woo-hoo! So glad you're going to stay put and that I don't have to go on bedrest. Well off to talk to daddy about what we need to buy for baby, and what we need to take out of the attic